Project Details Page

Find the details related to the successfully created project.

  • Project name, team name, project description, industry and knowledge base.
  • Status of the project: Searchable.
  • If the status is not searchable then, the project will not be available for search page, data maps page and search term page. Do the remaining (missed/skipped) steps to make this project searchable.

Source Details

Lists the connection details for your reference and its sources or table details. Using “+ Connection” button to add more sources to the project.

Data Model

Overview of the source or table relations in terms of  analytics. Like fact sources in orange colour, Dimension source in green colour and  joins between these sources displayed as line with arrow. 

It is an user interactive area with zoom in, zoom out, over all drag, specific source drag, rearrange and fit to page. All the above actions are possible with the given icons.

Next action

Now the project is ready for search. Go to the search page/data maps page/search term page to search this project. Ask your business question to get analysis reports from the created project.
