Data maps

Help content for How to search and find the desired analysis using Data Maps in Bizstats.AI application.

Step 1

In the search page, Click “Go to Data Maps” to analysis report for the DWS project. 

By using another option to go for the search term, from any page on the left side you can see the Data Maps.

Step 2

In the Data Maps page, the facts and dimensions are listed under the respective columns.

Step 3

By using the drop down menu, select a specific fact or dimension to view the measures or attributes respectively.

Step 4

By selecting these measures and dimensions will give the list of search terms as selected terms. Choose any one of the desired search terms and click “Search”

Step 5

The selected search term delivers the analysis sections in the search page. Now click the analysis report section to view the detailed report.

Step 6

All the analysis reports are available here.
