what feature does Artificial Intelligence (AI) have in Devices to help Humans?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to help humans to achieve tasks that are considered almost impossible. The world is going into great effort to achieve unlimited innovation and progress. This is where AI can be used to accomplish this feat. Already has made remarkable progress with AI-driven technologies. Examples of AI at work with technology are:

  1. Google Allo use the trend of voice recognition to help you type text when you are on the move. It is obvious that typing on the keyboard can often be exhaustive. So Google Allo is a good way to get the job done before exhausting yourself or diverting your attention. Also enables you respond to all those messages without moving a finger.
  2. AI personal assistants to help humans to track everyday tasks that were becoming a bit overwhelming in the past. These technology help restructure what you are doing, and come in handy to get your schedule on the right track. Typically, the potential for smart applications (apps) goes far beyond digital assistants. Already, we are beginning to see some mobile applications that are starting to make use of AI in an effort to improve performance and to satisfy users.
  3. There are wide variety of linguists and other expert software developers dedicate time to build the services of a responsive personal assistant. These assistants have the features and the potential to answer basic questions. Additionally, tracking down information, sending messages, and launching services, among many other tasks.

This shows AI have enormous benefits, and BizStats is using it in the analytics software that answers your business queries. You can request demo at www.BizStats.AI

Archie Addo, PhD
Senior Data Scientist, Bizstats.ai